Speech of H.H.Shri Mata ji Nirmala Devi

Shailputri Puja 29-03-1985.
Talnoo, Dharamsala.

Himalaya is my father. I cannot express my feelings on coming here but it is an auspicious moment to recall the glory of my father. All the seekers who did their penance here achieved their accent with the inspiration they received from the Himalayas, they succeeded in rising to the pinnacle.

Himalaya is the Sahasrara which the Mother Earth has created for you. It should be worshipped. This Sahasrara is very great. I do not see anything except vibrations everywhere. Those who are here are drenched in this tremendous ocean of vibrations, just like fish in the water. These vibrations that are spread all around are so beautiful and joy giving that it cannot be expressed in words. This is the blessing of the Himalaya. First and foremost we accept the ocean as our guru. The pollution of the whole world is thrown into it. However, the ocean leaves behind the pollution in its bed and rises as clouds in the sky. It becomes absolutely pure unblemished and so beautiful then it sails towards the Himalaya and covers it with “Hima”.

The word “Dhaula” means absoluterly pure, clear and nirmal (referring to the mountain range of Talnoo called Dhauladhar). Ranges like the Dhauladhar spread across the Himalaya. These ranges (dhara) are similar to the ranges that cover our brain and enlighten our Sahasrara. When we face the Himalaya we appear as particles before him. There is nothing so special in us that can stand out before him. What are we before his majesty.

This is the Sahasrara of the whole universe. It has given the whole universe such solace, happiness and joy that there remain nothing more to desire.

I have opened your Sahasrara with its help. Through this Sahasrara I discovered
that till the peace of the Himalaya settles within, its coolness will not permeate your nature.
Today let us pray to the Himalaya and the Seven mighty Devis that are here to bless us with their Divine Powers.

Their Divine Powers are embodied in the Mother and may we receive these from her. Thus evoking the embodiment of the Mother may we seek refuge at the feet of the Himalaya.


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